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Honest & evidence-based antenatal classes & private midwifery services to support you to have an empowering birth & postpartum experience in the hospital system. Learn the skills to be capable, confident & well-informed to birth & parent. 



Choose a One-day Intensive,  Weeknight Course or Private Class to get your mind, body & partner ready for an empowering birth. Ideal for those wanting to learn practical skills and the best evidence on how to have a physiological birth in a hospital setting.

You also get more than just a class, with a Digital Resource Pack for ongoing learning, partner support tips, access to freebies & discounts & support from a midwife up to 6 weeks after birth.

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Maia Mothers Collective Class

Run specifically for the Maia Mothers Collective and open to the public. This class has everything that we offer in our regular antenatal classes PLUS

  • Drink of choice on arrival

  • Natural pain relief tips from Acupuncturist, Dr Lauren Monaghan, group acupuncture & breathwork session during class

  • Complimentary access to Maia Membership for 1 month

  • VIP 10% off Maia Mothers Groups

  • 10% off all services at Maia Mothers

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Birth Planning Appointment

This is a 75min standalone appointment designed to complement an antenatal class (although you can attend without one). We go through a birth plan, ensure you have asked yourself all of the right questions, made a clear map that aligns with your wishes, how you want to set up your birth space, how you want your partner to support you, what your choices would be for various situations that may arise in labour. You leave with a clear road map for you and your partner, feeling confident for the journey ahead.

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Private Postnatal Homecare

As a private endorsed midwife, Allie offers a Postnatal Home Care Package .This service is medicare rebateable. Enjoy support from your own home to receive further education, empowering support and clinical care from an experienced midwife.  

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Free Consultation

Book a consult for a free and casual phone call or video chat with Midwife Allie.

Diving into pregnancy and birth can seem daunting, but you are not alone. Allie can help you set up a supported and well-informed pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey so you can release your anxiety and nervous energy to make room for feeling capable and confident. We are here for you.

Benefits Included In Every Class

I have strived to create the best value by including additional benefits for every couple who joins The Good Birth class. No other birth class in Brisbane offers so much value in a birth education workshop! 

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Detailed resources that include a homework guide to continue giving you guidance on how to bet prepare even after the class, further learning for you & your partner, Brisbane-based resources and support & more.


2 Free passes to a Pregnancy Yoga class and Mums & Bubs Yoga class at Mukti Yoga Centre. Run by experienced yoga instructor and doula Miriam, who will guide you through more advanced breathing techniques, and ideal body positioning and movement for pregnancy. 


Ongoing support from experienced and Endorsed Midwife Allie after the class. This is available for you until 6 weeks after birth to continue getting access to quality guidance and information.


Great value with access to partner freebies, discount codes & referrals for services such as women's health physiotherapy, pilates, yoga & more.


Access to Private Health Fund rebates up to $400 at selected health funds if you have appropriate pregnancy health insurance coverage. These classes are eligible as Allie is an Endorsed Midwife and not typical of most birth classes in Australia!

Our Partners

What You Learn


  • Anatomy of Pregnancy 101

  • How to feel your baby's position life a midwife!

  • Learn to follow your instincts & tune in to your body before labour has even begun

  • Changes in the end of pregnancy + signs of labour

  • How to get baby in the ideal position for birth 

  • Natural methods of encouraging labour ​

  • Understanding the reality of birthing in the hospital system & how to achieve a positive birth experience


  • Stages of labour + what to expect as you progress

  • How to get the most from labour hormones

  • Learn how to trust your body & feel confident

  • Understanding the mindset necessary for labour 

  • Creating a birth space full of oxytocin

  • 25+ natural pain management strategies for labour

  • Different positions for labour & birth + when to use them

  • Demonstration of different massage & relaxation techniques

  • How to Robozo

  • How to know which coping strategies might work for you on B-Day

  • How to assist with labour progress & cervical dilation

  • Why cervical dilation actually doesn't matter!

  • Strategies to relieve your anxiety in labour

  • Medical pain relief options in hospital

  • Observations + tests that might be performed

  • How & when to transition to your chosen birthplace


  • How & when to push (or not!)

  • Reducing the chance of perineal tearing

  • Optimal cord clamping

  • Options for birthing your placenta


  • What to do when things don't go to plan

  • Understanding the cascade of interventions + common pitfalls of first-time parents

  • Interventions you might be offered & how to decide if they are right for you

  • Decision-making skills + Role-play of scenarios

  • Birth mapping

  • How to advocate for yourself & what you want, based on evidence


  • Preparing for the postpartum period during pregnancy

  • Supporting your baby’s transition from womb to world

  • Navigating early postpartum

  • All things breastfeeding + positions + good latch + nipple care

  • Signs your baby is getting enough

  • Bottle feeding skills

  • Settling techniques

  • Safe-sleeping guidelines

  • How to express milk before & after birth

  • What a newborn needs & does in the first 6 weeks

  • How to heal you & your bits after having a baby

  • Mental Health + Baby Blues + Care for Partners

  • How partners can support you in the postpartum + How you can support them



  • Loads of tips & clear guidance for your partner & birth team on how to be the best supports

  • Evidence-based information to give you the real info, not just what people or your care providers think you should know

  • Interactive demonstrations, videos, discussions & games to keep you going - this is not a lecture!



  • FREE pregnancy yoga + Mums & Bubs yoga class @ Mukti Yoga Centre

  • Ongoing support from Midwife Allie after the class up to 6 weeks postpartum

  • Access to generous discount codes and referrals from our partners

  • Private Health Fund rebates available up to $400

  • Invaluable digital resource pack​



  • Homework guide to prep you for labour

  • Detailed resource lists for further learning 

  • Brisbane-specific Supports + Partners

  • Breast Milk Storage Guide

  • Hospital/ home birth packing list

  • Acupressure guides for natural induction, pain management and partner techniques

What Our Parents Say...

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Daughter Kissing Pregnant Mom

15 Minute Free Consultation

You're pregnant and don't know where to start?
You want a birth class but not sure which one is right for you?
Have a question and want to get it answered by a Registered Midwife?

Book a consult for a free and casual phone call or video chat with Midwife Allie. 

Prefer not to call? Ask your question here

Thanks for submitting!

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